Return/Refund Policy

Cancellation/Refund Policy Customers may request a refund/exchange on goods sold within 14 days of receipt. For any questions or comments regarding this Refund Policy, customers may visit the following link: Please be advised that for sales not at the seller's usual place of business, the federal "Cooling-Off" rule may apply. This rule gives customers the right to cancel a sale made at their home, workplace, or dorm that was under $25 or cancel a sale made at a seller's temporary location, like a fairground, motel, or convention center that was under $130. An attorney licensed in the relevant jurisdiction will be able to assist. To be eligible for a return the following conditions must be met: Customers must return the item in its original packaging. The item must not be opened. The item must not be used. The item must not be damaged. The item must be returned with its original receipt. Additional conditions: The customer must print out a return form from the website and submit it with the invoice that indicates which items are being returned. All returns are refunded via store credit. Returns are processed within 5-7 business days after your item(s) have been delivered to us. If the above conditions are not met, the Operator reserves the right to reject the return and refund. In case of item return, the customer will be responsible for paying the cost of shipping. No refunds are permissible on sale items. Customers may request an exchange in lieu of a refund. Exchange requests will be processed and accepted or denied. Returns/Refunds are accepted 14 days after the customer receives the item. To request a refund/return, the customer must have the original receipt or proof of purchase, and the product must be in unused condition, with original packaging and tags. We will not be held responsible for any returned items that are lost or damaged by the returning shipping company. All returned products will be subjected to a 10% restocking fee that will be deducted from the refund amount. To initiate a return please email: Customers must contact the Operator prior to the start of the refund and return process. Customers will be provided with a return number before they may begin the return. Returns are to be sent to the following address: 1317 Edgewater Dr. #2557, Orlando FL, 32804 Please contact us at with any questions.

Product Shipping

Shipping times may vary. Shipping information will be sent to the customer once the purchase is complete. All orders must be processed and fulfilled before they can be shipped. Processing times can range from 1-3 business days, while shipping times can range from 7-10 business days. This time frame is only an estimate, it is not a guarantee. Due to customers providing the wrong address, at checkout, they will be responsible for re-delivery charges. Items may ship separately.